Aaron's Story

What are some struggles you've faced with your mental health?

I’ve been on quite a journey with my mental health over the years. I left the Army in 2018 after 10 years of service. Shortly after, I sustained a life changing injury that led to the amputation of part of my foot and toes. Essentially, I went from being extremely active to being bed bound and dosed up on morphine for over a year. Following this I was diagnosed with complex mental health issues. It’s quite difficult to describe how I felt at the time; I just remember feeling hopeless and worthless, unable to see a way forward. My mind was so negative and depressed, which I couldn’t come to terms with. I had to seek help, but I was so scared to. I felt embarrassed to do so, but I knew I had to, or it would have been too late. After reaching out and seeking help, my life completely turned around. It’s not been easy; it’s a continuous journey. But I’m proud of where I am today. I saved myself. 

What do you do to keep you mental health in-check?

Firstly, getting outdoors in nature is so powerful for the mind and our mental health. Cold water therapy has been unbelievable; I tend to go in lakes or rivers. The science behind it is mind blowing, and I have truly reaped the rewards, I can’t recommend this enough, it can and is life changing. It’s also important to acknowledge you will still have off days, which I do, you just have to remain positive and know it’s just a bad day; they happen. Learning how to deal with days like this is crucial, getting out for a walk is my go to or just something active, it brings me into the present moment where I can clear the mind and process any thoughts.

What makes you feel most fulfilled?

Spending time outdoors with my family creating memories. My boy is 13 now, and watching him develop over the years has been amazing. I remember when he was young he wouldn’t dare jump off a tiny rock into Coniston Water; now he’s jumping off huge cliffs. Watching that development and love for the outdoors is special. Also, spending quality time with my girlfriend, Lucy. We both love the outdoors, and she’s helped me so much with my mental health.

What is something you're looking forward to doing?

I'm looking forward to continuing travelling I’ve been on so many trips the last year, be it road trips in the camper or family adventures. I always have something to look forward to, I think this is very important & it massively helps to stimulate my mind. Also, the plan is for my girlfriend and my lad to learn how to ski, all going well we will drive to France next year for an epic ski road trip. 

What advice would you give to someone struggling with their mental health?

Thinking back to how I was and felt, my biggest advice would be to take action for yourself. Don’t be afraid to open up and speak about how you feel, because when you do, your life will begin to change. I would also suggest staying away from medication and using therapy and holistic methods such as breathwork, meditation, and cold water therapy. Get outdoors and be active, even just a walk around the park. It allows you to be in the present moment. I really can’t stress how important it is to speak out, express your feelings and get the help and support you need, I’ve lost friends from suicide which has been extremely difficult, as reaching out can and will prevent this. It will get better, trust me.


A huge thanks to Aaron for writing this post. It takes a lot of courage to be that vulnerable.

Follow along with his adventures on Instagram @aarons_adventures1.

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