About Us


My name's Louis and I started Headright to encourage more conversations about mental health.
I'm sure you've heard it before when brands say they want to "build a community".
Most of the time, this just means signing up to receive marketing emails and following them on social media. While that's all well and good, we wouldn't call that a community.
We are trying to do things differently...
With any Headright purchase, you'll receive a passcode to the Headright Members Area. This will allow you to read articles by other community members about their own mental health battles and how they keep showing up and giving their best every day. You will also be invited to contribute to the community, and we strongly encourage you to share your story so the lessons you learn can help other members.
 Things are definitely moving in the right direction with regard to mental health. There is more awareness of mental health issues today than there's ever been and people are feeling more comfortable talking about their own struggles. We are a long way away from perfection, though. In 2023, there were more than 100 suicides a week in the UK. This highlights the need for further change.
And it's why we donate 10% of our profits to the Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) charity, to support the great work they do.
No two people will have the exact same formula for improving their mental health. Some people need to run 10 miles a day to stay present, some choose to read motivational books, and some curl up on the sofa infront of the TV. However you cope - we want to encourage you to keep going.
Headright is more than just a brand. When you put on your hat, you know you are part of a community of like-minded people, all fighting their own battles and not giving in.

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Aaron's Story
Aaron's Story
Edward's Story
Edward's Story
Robert's Story
Robert's Story