
Aaron's Story
Thinking back to how I was and felt, my biggest advice would be to take action for yourself. Don’t be afraid to open up and speak about how you feel, because when you do, your life will begin to change. 
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Edward's Story
I have struggled to find an escape but hiking and the great outdoors has been my life line an escape from the daily tortures. This hobby has really helped me focus my mind planning and organising events to bring people together.
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Robert's Story
Feeling most fulfilled for me is when I'm outdoors - either swinging in a hammock by a fire with my dog slowing life down, or ramping it up with the feeling of self-satisfaction of solo climbing some peaks.
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Jon's Story
Until recently I’ve always bottled up my emotions, keeping things to myself and not letting others know how upset I am but since meeting my wife 7 years ago, I finally feel like I can talk to someone about my feelings as she has dealt with her own struggles and came out stronger on the other side.
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Sam's Story
I did my first hike at the end of February this year and it was the first time I felt like I could breathe in weeks. I felt free, I got a rush and I was smiling and since then I never looked back.
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