Sam's Story

What are some struggles you've faced with your mental health?

I’ve struggled with my mental health in various way and for varying reasons in my adult life. From drug addiction in my early twenties which left me feeling paranoid and trapped to more recent times (last year and early this year) where a toxic controlling relationship made me feel anxious and suffocated. Following my decision to end a relationship in January this year I found myself being stalked/harassed with phone calls, messages, emails and surprise visits with threats being made constantly. It tore me apart. I felt suffocated, anxious and on edge it was like I couldn’t breathe and I was completely exhausted. I felt like I had lost who I was over the course of the relationship bit by bit and had completely forgotten who I was.

What do you do to keep you mental health in-check?

When going through the ordeal of the breakup and the actions from my ex which followed I decided one Sunday to go out for a hike in The South Downs, close to where I live. I did my first hike at the end of February this year and it was the first time I felt like I could breathe in weeks. I felt free, I got a rush and I was smiling and since then I never looked back. I was chasing that feeling from then on and it allowed me to completely escape. Nothing mattered. No one could touch me or control me. It was the ultimate sense of freedom I had craved for months. Endorphins are so powerful and if you think about it no matter what mood you set off in for a hike or maybe a gym session, you are always happy and have a smile on your face when you finish. I decided from that day on I wanted to have that feeling as much as possible and from then on every spare moment was spent on an adventure and I’ve consequently never been happier than I am in my life right now. It’s like a superpower. I know that no matter what happens in my day, work, drama, whatever that I can cure all of that and put a smile on my face just from lacing up my walking boots and getting out into the world.


What makes you feel most fulfilled?

For me the most fulfilled I feel is when working through and completing a challenge I set myself. That feeling of achievement. Just this year I have completed The South Downs Way which is a 160km trail across Hampshire and Sussex which I did for the Stroke Association as my father has lifelong brain damage since suffering a stroke in his 40s , The Welsh 3000s which is summitting the highest 16 peaks in Wales all over 3000ft and the Yorkshire 3 Peaks which is a 24.4 mile trail (yes the .4 matters!) across the Yorkshire Dales and summitting 3 mountains which me and two amazing friends completed in 9hrs and 16 minutes! I am also doing the National 3 peaks challenge on the 8th/9th September for The Rainbow Trust which is a charity to help support families of children suffering serious and terminal illnesses during the most difficult times. This is when I’m fulfilled completely when I’m pushing myself physically and mentally and being surrounded with the great outdoors the other times I feel completely fulfilled is when I’m in dad-mode! I have the most amazing 5 year old daughter and planning adventures and making it magical for her fills my heart completely.

What is something you're looking forward to doing?

As well as my next challenge The National 3 Peaks I mentioned before I am also very much looking forward to an upcoming trip to The Dolomites in Italy mid September. Me and two amazing individuals who I met through the hiking community on Instagram are travelling around im a motorhome for a week and it’s going to be full of hiking and wild swimming in a place that looks like heaven, I can’t wait! Its crazy to think that since my first hike in February in the South Downs that my journey has taken me through the mountains of Snowdonia, to the Scottish lochs, to the Norwegian Fjords and now the Italian mountains. It’s been a hell of a journey and just seems to be getting better and better every week!


What advice would you give to someone struggling with their mental health?

Mine would be to reach out. I know it’s easier said than done and to a certain extent your first responsibility is to yourself. Set yourself goals no matter how small, get outside, breath in that air and get away from the world. Even a 30 minute stroll in the woods can do so much for your mental health and your problems or obstacles will seem smaller when you are out there. There are so many amazing people in the hiking community so share your adventures and find like minded people who have the same lease for life as you and people that will help you grow not restrict you. I have met and spoken to some amazing people in person and on social media and have already made lifelong friends it’s incredible. Everyone is so encouraging and wants to see you do well and if you are struggling, drop a DM or arrange to meet someone for a hike. I guarantee you will feel better and more like you again after even just a few steps.

A huge thank you to Sam for being so open and honest in this article. I hope his story of overcoming anxiety and having the courage to change his environment has given you something to think.

Follow along with his adventures on instagram @sams_walkabout.

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